JO LOTHIAN researched and provided a bank of great Circuit Training Videos last time to keep you challemged with lot sof

Well here we go again.....
Once more we need to ensure we take extra care when meeting up for sessions and with training partners.
This time the rules are a little more onerous: a shorter day with fast encroaching darkenedssevenings; a busy school or university day and training only allowed in pairs.
But once again we continue to offer you opportunities to maintain your fitness programmes so that you can be at the top of your form when spring, and hefully, a more CoVid free world is just round the corner.
In keeping with that optimism, we suggest some work-outs to keep you ticking over.
If you have any suggestions, feel free to engage us using our Forum as a Squad and Site Member.
Check out some session options
In Lockdown 1, Coach Jo Lothian provided you all with a great selction of Circuit and Core strengtheninfg sessions, ouller togerther from all over the Internet.
This time she selects a whole new series of great work-outs designed both for thse